Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Seahouses butterflies

Our original idea to walk across the dunes from Seahouses to Bamburgh was quickly superceded by the urge to park our backsides and enjoy the view. The sun appeared through the clouds intermittently & this Painted Lady settled no more than a metre away from us in a shallow basin at the top of a high dune. For a period of 20 minutes it repeatedly flew off to reappear a minute later & bask in the sunshine open winged.

Here's the view looking back to Seahouses.

Scattered through the dunes, patches of Harebell.

A couple of Green Veined Whites on the other side of the harbour.


  1. Butterfly close ups are brilliant

  2. Thank you, it is a common butterfly but it rarely disappoints. It was lovely to observe and great to watch it so close from a few different angles. L


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