Thursday 26 April 2012

Adel Churchyard Bluebells & the Kate Middleton connection

In between today's downpours, a picture of bluebells in the grounds of St John the Baptist Church in Adel. According to the church website, "Kate Middleton's seven times Great-Grandparents, Francis Lupton and Ester Midgley were married in Adel Church in 1688. The grave of Ester's parents, Ralph & Frances Midgley 1694 lies close to the path by the main door." Who knew!


  1. A nicely composed picture, good very good perspective.

  2. Great picture, thanks for coming to my blog.

  3. Sensational taking. I am greeting

  4. That's a wonderful bluebell photo - looks a lovely churchyard (with or without the Kate M connection!!).

  5. Thanks Phil, very kind of you to say, Linda

    Hello CB, yes I forget.

    Hello Bob, thanks, its great to keep up with others postings during this spell due to the weather.

    ZM Thanks

    Hello Ragged Robin, tee hee thanks, its a lovely spot to visit. I hope you enjoy your latest book find on Churchyard wildlife.

    Best wishes all, Linda


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