Wednesday 4 April 2012

I was back at work this week, and this was my view on the walk through Beckett Park this morning, head down & hood up. What a dramatic change in weather from last week. Not so bad though, on a ten minute wander through Queenswood I saw a pair of Great Spotted Woodpecker, and a pair of Bullfinch, and heard at least two Chiffchaff, always a pleasure.


  1. A very smart & abstract looking first photo, Linda.

  2. Lovely photos Linda. We had some sleet yesterday but it didn't settle. I still haven't managed to see a chiffchaff yet this year!

  3. Thanks Dean, my eyes was focussed on the ground to avoid getting a faceful of freezing rain that I couldn't help but notice the patterns created by the grass beginning to peep through the thawing snow.

    Brrr, it making me cold just looking at it again. It felt doubly cold because I'd got out of the habit of dressing for the weather, no double gloves, no hat under my hood, silly me.

    Hello Ragged Robin,fingers crossed for the appearance of a chiffchaff this Easter weekend.

    Best wishesall, Linda


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